Congresso 2009 Francisco_cartaz.jpg


Francisco Marto: to rise to the gift | 2009

From June 18 to 20, 2009

Hall of the Good Shepherd | Pastoral Centre Paul VI

Key part of the celebrative program of the centennial of the birth of the Blessed Francisco Marto, the Congress Francisco Marto: to rise to the gift was set to trigger the reflexion and the vision to the defying personality and spirituality of Francisco, deepening the lines of his figure and his testimony and looking to collect the challenges that are placed to the cristian spirituality, to the experience of faith and to the reflexion on the role of children in society and in Church. Therefor an interdisciplinary opening of perspectives was sought – allowing an enlargement of the reflexion and discovery range of the multifaceted richness of the message of Fatima and of the religious experience of the little shepherd-seer -, in order to achieve a diverse set of aspects: life and personality of Francisco and its context; the reality that this child represents (childhood, the children); and the issues for which his life is inspiring (like music and spirituality, family and cristian education, or sanctity).




19 sep 2024

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h00
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