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Services of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

As a place that keeps the memory of the Fatima event, a centre of pilgrimage and a place of study of the message of de Lady of the Rosary, the Shrine of Fatima features a large team of collaborators who, in their different functions, contribute to the specific mission that is entrusted to it.


The Rectorate is the major executive body of the Shrine of Fatima, constituted of the Rector and the offices and collaborators that support the Rector in his mission of Shrine’s governance and administration, general coordination, strategic planning and institutional representation.

Rector | Fr. Doctor Carlos Cabecinhas

Contacts | [email protected] 


Department for the Welcome of Pilgrims

The mission of the Department for the Welcome of the Pilgrims is to be at the service of those who come to the Shrine, by helping them in the planning of pilgrimages and visits, welcoming the pilgrims and assisting them to know the Message of Fatima, the places, the activities and the different bodies of the Shrine.

Director | André Pereira

Contacts | [email protected]


Department of the Liturgy

The Department of the Liturgy is at the service of the celebrations of the Shrine and its mission of being a privileged place of the announcement of the Word of God, of the communal celebration of faith, especially in the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, the promotion of the Eucharistic adoration and the practice of acts of piety. The mission of this department is to supervise the liturgical celebrations and exercises of piety of the Shrine, by planning the celebrations within its different elements, coordinating all the actions of the intervening parts, preparing the texts and support materials, caring for the places of celebration and the liturgical vestments and objects.

Director | Fr. Joaquim Ganhão

Contacts | [email protected]


Department of the Pastoral of the Message of Fatima

The mission of the Department of the Pastoral of the Message of Fatima is to develop the different field of specific pastoral in the light of the Message of Fatima, to contribute to a deeper knowledge of the Message of Fatima and to ensure the relationship between the Shrine and the different entities and organization dedicated to live and diffuse this Message.

Director | André Pereira

Contacts | [email protected]


Department of Charitable Action

The Department of Charitable Action concretizes the different expression of charity as a Christian mission, namely providing assistance to the most socially unprivileged persons, offering material conditions to the pilgrims and primary health care.

Director | under the responsibility of the Rector

Contacts | [email protected]


Department of Studies

The Department of Studies is in charge of the Archive and the Library of the Shrine of Fatima. Its mission is to safeguard the archival and bibliographic assets, research and make the investigation on the phenomenon of Fatima available through the interpretation of the documental sources which allows the understanding of Fatima as a transdisciplinary account.

Director | Doctor Marco Daniel Duarte

General | [email protected]
Multimedia Archive | [email protected]


Department of Accommodation

The mission of the Department of Accommodation is to provide the pilgrims, in group or individually, with the necessary conditions to have their accommodation and meals in the houses belonging to the Shrine of Fatima, as well as places and equipment for the achievement of pastoral activities. 

Director | Eng. Tânia Rocha

Contacts | [email protected]


Museum of the Shrine of Fatima

The Museum of the Shrine of Fatima is the department in charge of the preservation, study, valorization and diffusion of the historical and artistic heritage, musealized and in situ, of the Shrine. Founded in 1955, it offers the pilgrims and the visitors – through permanent exhibitions (Fatima Light and Peace, House-Museum of Aljustrel, House of Lucia de Jesus, House of Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto) and temporary exhibitions – an interpretation of the material testimonies related to the History and the Message of Fatima, as well as the development of the Shrine itself and the diffusion of the cult of Our Lady of Fatima in the world.

Director | Doctor Marco Daniel Duarte

Contacts | [email protected]


Economics and Finance Department

The Economics and Finance Department has the mission to provide for the necessary economic, financial and patrimonial resources management services of the Shrine of Fatima. It is its responsibility to plan and prepare the budget as well as to provide for its accomplishment, to elaborate the economic and financial report, to do the accounting and also the treasury management, to enhance the economic activity concerning products and publications, and to administrate the stores.

Director | Fr. Miguel Sottomayor

General affairs | [email protected]
Store, Bookstore and Vestments store | [email protected]


Department of Surveillance and Operational Management

The mission of the Department of Surveillance and Operational Management is to provide functional support to the liturgical celebrations and other activities of the Shrine of Fatima, to ensure the altar service in the celebrations and the service in the sacristies, to ensure the basic condition of safety to those in the places of the Shrine and to help the pilgrims and visitors to preserve the environment specific to the places.

Director | André Silva

Contacts | [email protected]


Department of Construction and Maintenance

The mission of the Department of Construction and Maintenance is to perform or coordinate the works in the places in order to create the necessary conditions for the good welcoming of pilgrims and the functioning of the internal offices, preserving, rehabilitating and requalifying the natural and constructed heritage of the Shrine, as well as the equipment and installations, and creating also structures if needed.

Director | under the responsibility of the Rector

Contacts | [email protected]




18 jan 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Chapel of the Death of Jesus

  • 15h00

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 18h30
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