27 february, 2018

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People with rare diseases were invited to take part in the I National Pilgrimage in Fatima

The initiative is scheduled for the 3rd of March and starts with a reception in the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity


The Shrine of Fatima hosts on the next 3rd of March the I National Pilgrimage of People with Rare Diseases, which has as a theme “Unique at the eyes of Mother of Jesus”.

The program starts at 10:30 in the morning, with the reception in the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity, followed by a Mass at 11:00 a.m. on the same place.

Around 2:00p.m there will be a meeting to reflect upon the theme of the pilgrimage “Unique at the eyes of Mother of Jesus”. Afterwards, the Chapel of Apparitions hosts the farewell and blessing of the sick at 3:00p.m.

The I National Pilgrimage of People with Rare Diseases is an answer to a demand made by DRAVET, an Association of patients with this syndrome that subsequently was developed with the two Federations - FEDRA  and the Portuguese Alliance of Associations of Rare Diseases to boost the event.

In the Shrine of Fatima, this pilgrimage is being promoted by the Department of Pilgrims and by the Pastoral of Fragility and Care that is part of the Department of the Pastoral of the Message of Fatima.

This is a line of pastoral action that the Shrine wants to develop, as a maternal place of convergence of so many sufferings, some quite recent.

The Shine of Fatima has been presenting itself, during the last century, as a place of comfort and peace. 



23 jan 2025

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 21h30
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