12 may, 2019



"The voice of Jesus should not be wasted and ignored" in favour of the "voices of the earthly shepherds," says Cardinal Tagle

Candlelight Procession and Mass in the Prayer Area gathered pilgrims from 40 countries

The Philippine Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle said this late evening, at Fatima, that the "voice of Jesus should not be wasted and ignored" in favour of other voices of "earthly shepherds, singers, movie stars, advertisers or politicians."


In the Mass homily, concelebrated in the Prayer Area of the Shrine of Fatima by 218 priests, 17 bishops and three cardinals and attended by thousands of pilgrims from 40 countries, the archbishop of Manila commented the liturgy of this Good Shepherd Sunday challenging the pilgrims to allow themselves to be "attracted" again to Jesus.


"In our daily life, we are mesmerized by other human shepherds, whose words we more easily believe in than Jesus’ words. We are familiar with the voices of the earthly shepherds, singers, movie stars, advertisers, politicians, " said the prelate, regretting that today´s " fashion styles and trends "are more followed than the Good Shepherd.

" We rely on the shepherds of this world for their protection but many of them leave us alone when their self-interest and lives are put in danger," he added, regretting that one prefers "the protection of wealth, guns, power and earthly glory " rather than the protection of Jesus.

"He leads us to eternal life. Not a place, not just a state of life but a relationship with the Father. The only way to the Father is the Good Shepherd. Let us listen to Jesus, look to him, fall in love with Him and follow him, "said Monsignor Luis António Tagle.

"It is the voice of Jesus that must be heard and followed. It should not be wasted and ignored, " insisted the president of the Caritas Internationalis.

In the Candlelight Procession, which preceded the Mass, thousands of pilgrims filled the Prayer Area with light.

The May pilgrimage program continues with a Prayer Vigil at dawn, which ends with a Eucharistic Procession in the morning. At 9:00 am, the Rosary will be prayed in the Chapel of the Apparitions and at 10:00 am begins the International Mass. The May pilgrimage will end with the farewell Procession, one of the most emblematic moments of the great international anniversary pilgrimages. 



09 feb 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

  • 07h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 10h00
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