

In the event of Fatima, the request for reparation is persistent. The Angel calls to sacrifice and prayer “for the reparation of sins by which [God] is offended”. The Lady of the Rosary also calls to self-giving “for the reparation of sins by which God is offended”. In June, the three children noticed a heart in the “immense light” irradiated from the Lady, which they believe to be the “Immaculate Heart of Mary, outraged by the sins of humanity and seeking reparation”. The First Saturday’s devotion will be mentioned, in the apparition of July, as a way of reparation.

The little shepherds, Francisco in particular, are surprised by this sadness of God, the same God who fills them with joy. It’s the sadness of someone who loves unconditionally and sees the ones who love lost in hostility. Someone who knows that is unconditionally loved by God understands that God suffers for the ones who waste His embracement with marks of sin. The longing to comfort God emerges as a vocation. Like Francisco states: “I am thinking about God, Who is so sad because of so many sins! If only I could give Him joy!” The reparation is nothing but an act of love. Francisco lives it this way, the comforter of God: not as an imposition but as a free act of love, from someone who wants to give joy to the one who loves and by whom he feels unconditionally loved.



09 feb 2025

Mass, in Portuguese, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 12h30

Rosary, in the Chapel of the Apparitions

  • 16h00
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